Saturday, June 20, 2009

Up! John or (The Grand Old Duke of Walk)

Sing to the tune of the Grand Old Duke of York

Our leader is our friend
His group is roughly ten
He walks us up to the top of the hill
and he walks us down again

When we are up we are up
When we are down we are down
He's clever when he plans the walks..
'Cause there's much more up than down

We reach the highest point
Quite often every day
We catch our breath, admire the view
And continue on our way


At night we party on
We celebrate the day
We keep uncorking bottles
'Til the "ups" all go away


So if you're feeling down
And life is low indeed
Just walk with us and you will have
More 'ups' than you could need


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"A pilgrim is one who undertakes a pilgrimage, literally 'far afield'. This is traditionally a visit to a place of some religious or historic significance; often a considerable distance is travelled." The Millthorpe Tales is about a group of pilgrims and their long and arduous journeys around the Central West Region of New South Wales in Australia